Wednesday, June 25, 2014

IPAD Apps for Autistic and Nonverbal Children

Ipads provide great ways to facilitate learning and communication for individuals with autism. IPADS are portable, flexible, and more accessible being that they are touch screen. This video provided me with some great applications of the IPAD, and made me a bigger proponent for their use in the classroom. Below are a few helpful apps i learned from the video and will look to apply with my students in the future.

Many of the students that I currently work with use Ipads to communicate, and it is remarkable to see first hand the communicative gap in which they bridge. I have also personally seen Ipad use increase spoken word as well which is breath taking. 

 Magic piano is an app that enables an individual with physical disabilities to play a song on the I PAD only using one finger. This provides access to students who have limited mobility.

The drum app is fun/ inviting to students and helps work on isolated finger pointing.

Going Places is an app with pre- made social stories that shows the student what is going to happen and goes through the steps of something like a trip to the grocery store.

Speakit is an app that uses text to speech to give individuals a voice and enable them to participate in discussions that they would not of been able to.

Resource Below

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