Tuesday, June 3, 2014

UDL Networks

As aforementioned there are three core principles in UDL used to create curriculum which grants equal opportunities for all involved to learn.

 You can present the information differently by providing visuals with the material, and giving information in the dominant language for learners with English as a second language. A helpful tool is Readability which is a free app that removes clutter and distractions from the internet to make reading easier and more enjoyable.

There are multiple ways for students to express content such as using different modalities for communication, and capitalizing on social media to make material more interactive. A great way for individuals with disabilities to use a computer is camera mouse. This is a free program where you control the mouse by moving your head.

 One's motivation for learning can vary from another, so it is imperative to provide multiple means of such. Some examples would be to let the student pick their reward, and differ the degree of difficulty within core activities among students. Exploring language is a tool that allows learners to select the level that is most suitable for them to learn about language through poetry and song.

I now know that there are many free and innovative tools and programs to help create a curriculum that is the most accessible to all. I will definitely be using the free app readability moving forward with my students to make reading some material less aversive and distracting. 

Pictures found at

Reference Below

1 comment:

  1. Erik, I liked how you integrated images into your blog - it caught my eye right away and gave me an idea of what your post was going to be about right away. You gave educators a lot of options for eliminating barriers in the classroom. I am definitely going to check out the app ‘Readability’. And I have never heard of a camera mouse but that sounds like a very helpful tool for students with disabilities; computers are so integrated in our society these days so it’s great to have a way for those students to participate in technology.
