Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Integrating Augmentative Communication into the IEP

When developing an IEP for a student who uses augmentative communication, it is crucial that the student's use is integrated across the day and environments including instructional and non-instructional times.

When developing IEP goals it is vital to remember the device is not a goal in itself, but rather a way to accomplishing a goal.

Two parts that are mandatory to be included in an IEP when a student is using a form of augmentative communication are a list of the AC services to be provided by related services such as a speech language pathologist, and identifying the people responsible for the maintenance and operations of the device. The latter will prevent the student from having long periods of time without a voice when their device breaks or obtains a glitch.

Reference Below
Dell, A., Newtown, D., & Petroff, J. (2012). Assistive Technology in the Classroom.
Upper Saddle River, NJ. Pearson Education Inc.

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